FAO Forestry
Social Media Strategy and Audit Social Media Strategy and Audit Social Media Strategy and Audit Social Media Strategy and Audit Social Media Strategy and Audit Social Media Strategy and Audit Social Media Strategy and Audit Social Media Strategy and Audit Social Media Strategy and Audit

Forestry Division at the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO Forestry)




The challenge

FAO Forestry approached us to undertake an audit and analysis of their Twitter account and develop a social media strategy that could be used by communications staff and senior leaders. As part of this, they were interested in learning new and proven tactics they could deploy to enhance their performance on Twitter and good practice guidelines to help non-communication staff better use social media.

As we got started, they posed us many great questions like:

  • Who exactly follows us and what content do they like the most?
  • How can we engage staff for employee advocacy?
  • How well do different content types perform?
  • How often should we post and at what times?
The solution
We began by taking a deep dive into their analytics, harvesting quantitative and qualitative data from several sources over a 12-month period.

We created custom charts to visualise and compare datasets, such as impressions vs. engagement and posts vs. new followers, to understand the relationship between variables and draw conclusions. To give the information context, we gathered benchmarking data for similar organisations to understand FAO Forestry’s relative performance.

Beyond numbers alone, we examined their best performing content types, validated their organisational voice, and reported on the demographics of their followers. We looked at the way they engage with their partners on campaigns and which approaches were most effective. An important component of the report was a share of voice analysis that revealed the division’s presence and leadership in key conversations based on hashtags, keywords and phrases.

All this was distilled into eight key takeaway findings and corresponding recommendations to create a digestible and practical audit report.

The results of this, coupled with discovery and learning sessions with the team, informed the development of the social media strategy.

The results
We delivered a detailed social media strategy tailored for the division’s team and resources.
The strategy built on the insights revealed by their performance data and was backed up by peer-reviewed research coupled with our industry knowledge thanks to over a decade of social media management.

The strategy document, which covered the areas below, was delivered alongside the analysis and audit report. We presented our findings and the new strategy to the division’s communication director and social media team, providing an opportunity for questions and discussion.

We thank Jill and the team at FAO Forestry for this great opportunity to work together.
  • Objectives
  • Target audiences
  • Understanding the Twitter algorithms
  • Content
  • Campaigns
  • Connecting with partners
  • Interacting with followers
  • Crafting a message
  • Optimal posting times and frequency
  • Employee advocacy
  • Collaborating with influencers
  • New tactics
  • Measuring success (Key Performance Indicators)
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we work with clients of all sizes
anywhere in the world
we work with clients of all sizes
anywhere in the world
we work with clients of all sizes
anywhere in the world
we work with clients of all sizes
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